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Organized by Papa Sy Naay Leer Dance Company and the Studio@550 

Join us for a FREE African Cultural Festival
JULY 13, 2019
in University Park, Cambridge, MA

Master Teacher, Papa Sy, founding of the Pasy Naay Leer Dance Company  is offering a  two day Senegalese dance festival for families at your studio 550  Using the theme of a Senegalese village, the festival would kick off with families gathered around an imaginary baobab tree to hear about the origins of Senegalese dance, rhythm and song.  Children and families would then enjoy 2-3 dance classes – each class would focusing on a different style of dance.  In addition to learning the basic movements and rhythms of the style, participants would learn where the dance is from, which ethnic group it belongs to, and what the dance’s function is.  Other festival elements  might include film, an exhibition of traditional Senegalese clothes, and traditional African food or juices.  The festival would end under the baobab tree, with a dance performance highlighting the styles we learned about during the festival.
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This program is supported in part by a grant from Cambridge Arts, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, a state agency.